Greening Southside
Planting Projects
We are committed to planting the right trees in the right place and ensuring they are maintained to live a full life. More trees will not only cool neighborhoods and provide much-needed shade, but increase health outcomes for residents.
Since 2019, Southside ReLeaf has planted and given away more than 1,000 trees to green Southside neighborhoods. We work with amazing volunteers and community partners to make this happen. Check out some of our work and sign up for the next planting project!
Blackwell Elementary School • 10 trees
Swansboro Playground • 62 trees
Hickory Hill Community Center • 105 trees
Davee Gardens • 60 street trees
We have a responsibility to maintain green spaces to get the best return on investment. Newly-planted trees need to be watered regularly until they are established. And when trees are established, it’s still our responsibility to provide long-term tree care. Our community workdays include watering, pulling up weeds, re-mulching, structural pruning with the Richmond Tree Stewards, and general check-ups throughout the year. Plus, we partner with community garden groups to prep, cultivate, and harvest during the growing season.
Community Workdays
Re/Building Our Parks
The Southside is home to several parks and playgrounds, but many are in disrepair. In fact, many of our neighbors are not within a 10-minute walk to a public park. For 8th and 9th District residents, the average walk to the nearest greenspace is the highest and heat islands are a more prevalent problem.
We’re working to change that by creating communal spaces and investing resources to address infrastructural barriers that keep people inside instead of outdoors. Here are projects we’re working with the community to enhance and bring online:
Blackwell Park
Hioaks Water Tower
Ernest Road
Reedy Creek Wetland
Rosemont Road