Richmond Tree Week (RTW), formerly “ArborDayRVA”, is a citywide celebration of urban forestry and greening efforts led by Reforest Richmond and encompassing over 20 partner organizations that takes place from October 11 - 20, 2024. The mission of this week is to celebrate Richmond’s urban forest explore all the ways that TREES are important to our community. You can celebrate by participating in community events, educational workshops, tree plantings, tree giveaways, tours, and MORE all across the city! Scroll to see a preview of some of the exciting events happening in South Richmond during RTW!
Friday, October 11
Urban Forestry Department: Tree Pruning Workshop
12 pm - 3 pm | Swansboro Playground
So you've planted a tree—now what? Join Arborists with the City of Richmond's Urban Forestry Division for a free hands-on workshop on how to prune and care for young trees.
Richmond Tree Week Kick-off, Tree Planting, Tree Giveaway, & Tree Care Workday
1:30 pm - 3 pm | Swansboro Playground
Join Richmond Urban Forestry Division and Richmond Parks & Rec to kick off Richmond Tree Week and celebrate Richmond's 32nd year as a Tree City USA. Take a baby tree home (while supplies last). Then help out with various tree care activities at Swansboro Playground.
Richmond Tree Week Kick-off Happy Hour + Tree Giveaway
6 pm - 8 pm | Benchtop Brewing Company
Join the team from Reforest Richmond for Happy Hour specials from Benchtop Brewing Company in celebration of RTW! Free tree seedlings will be available (while supplies last).
Saturday, October 12
Richmond Tree Stewards Southside Tree Giveaway
9 am - 1 pm | Hickory Hill Community Center
Richmond Tree Stewards will give 500 FREE trees away to homeowners in zip codes 23234, 23224, and 23225 only. There are 250 trees available to reserve online starting on September 16 until they are gone. Another 250 trees will be available on the day of the event. Free planting assistance is available!
Tree Planting & Tree Care Day at Blackwell Elementary School
10 am - 1 pm | Blackwell Elementary School
Please join Southside ReLeaf for a tree planting and tree care day at Blackwell Elementary School. We’ll be joined by Richmond Parks & Rec to plant new trees and provide care to previously-planted young trees.
Sunday, October 13
Trees and Watersheds: A Walking Tour, Tree Care & Planting Day
2 pm - 4 pm | Crooked Branch Ravine Park (entrance at the end of Northrop St.)
Join Local Ecotype Richmond Natives (LERN) and The Reedy Creek Coalition for a free walking tour through Crooked Branch Ravine, one of RVA’s hidden gems. Then help remove English ivy from a forested area of the park and plant small trees and shrubs to enhance the understory.
Monday, October 14
Swansboro West Tree Planting
10 am - 1 pm | Meet on McRand St.between E 32nd and E 33rd St.
Join the Swansboro West Civic Association, the Richmond Tree Stewards, and Richmond Parks & Rec to plant 13 trees in a neighborhood setting to increase tree canopy and support flood prevention.
Tuesday, October 15
Free-A-Tree! Invasive Plant Removal Workday
11 am - 2 pm | Blackwell Park / Charlie Sydnor Playground
Volunteers are needed to assist with removal of invasive species to minimize their growth and help beautify Blackwell Park. We’ll be joined by our partners at Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and Richmond Parks & Rec.
Virtual Lunch & Learn: Trees for Healthy Communities
12 pm - 1 pm | Webinar
Trees are public health heroes, from cleaning our air and water to keeping our neighborhoods cool. Join the Richmond and Henrico Health Districts for a free webinar to learn about the health impacts of extreme heat in Richmond and the role that urban forests play in supporting public health.
Thursday, October 17
Community Workday at Ernest Road
9 am - 11 am | 4701 Ernest Road
Southside ReLeaf is working with the city to bring five new parks online in South Richmond! One of those parks will be along Ernest Road. We’re seeking volunteers to help with cutting, loading and removing tree debris to increase accessibility in the space.
Saturday, October 19
Carter Jones Park Tree Planting
9 am - 12:30 pm | Carter Jones / Fonticello Park
Join the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Virginia Interfaith Power & Light, Friends of Fonticello Park, and Richmond Parks & Rec to plant a variety of medium-sized trees that will cool our city, filter air and water pollution, stabilize soil to reduce erosion, and reduce carbon emissions.
Swansboro West Lunch & Learn
11 am - 1 pm | Swansboro Elementary School
Whether you live in Swansboro West or not, please join Southside ReLeaf for a free Lunch & Learn! Explore greening work that is happening in the city and ways to get involved in increasing the sustainability and climate resilience of our communities.
Sunday, October 20
Visit Richmond Tree Stewards at South of the James Farmer’s Market
10 am - 1 pm | Forest Hill Park
The Richmond Tree Stewards will have an outreach booth at the market. Stop by to talk about the RTS mission, Richmond's urban tree canopy, organizations working to achieve tree equity in Richmond, residential tree care, invasive species, and more!
Richmond Tree Week Closing Happy Hour + Tree Giveaway
5 pm - 7 pm | Gramophone Winery
Come celebrate the end of another successful Richmond Tree Week! Join the Richmond Tree Stewards and Reforest Richmond as we enjoy Happy Hour specials from Gramophone Winery. We will have our final free tree seedlings giveaway, so grab one while you can.
In total, there are 40 city-wide tree events during Richmond Tree Week this year. The 14 we featured above only include the events happening in South Richmond. To explore more RTW opportunities, click the button below to see the full schedule.